Tuesday, February 10, 2009


...the movie.

Many years ago, the movie Wargames came out. I saw it with a bunch of my "hacker" friends (before the word gained it's negative connotations). We really enjoyed the movie. Yah, it's a good movie, but it was *REAL*. We knew the people in the movie. They had the culture right. We caught all the little in-jokes, and had a better time than the rest of the audience.

This weekend, my wife and I saw Fanboys. OK, it's not as good as Wargames, but it doesn't deserve the bad reviews it has been getting. If you don't understand the culture it is lampooning, you won't get the jokes.

For us, we know the people in the movie. We understand the culture. We laughed and had a good time.

It's not a "general release" movie, because the general public doesn't know the culture. I want to see the DVD release, to see what it was before they tried to make it "accessable" to the general public. I'll bet it's even better.

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