Monday, June 8, 2009

Apple disappointment...

WWDC is today. I've been looking at the "live blogs" occasionally.

I'm not an apple fanboy. I don't own any apple hardware. The software I use daily, and the software and development tools I've used for decades will not run on apple machines (not counting emulation).

But, I am jonesing for one thing in particular.

The touch is a really nice true portable video player (the cheap "MP4" players don't actually do MP4).

But, being the sort of person I am (and looking at a couple of 8+ hour flights and other assorted "downtime" situations), I'd like to be able to bring lots of video. And a few games wouldn't hurt.

I would really love a higher resolution screen (480 x 320 is about 1/2 the resolution of a "standard" TV picture). While the small size helps make up for some of the problem (you can't see details that small), it's still going to throw away lots of detail. But not even the new iPhone (the 3GS) has that.

And more processing power means better frame rates.

Also, the touch tops out at twice the storage of the iPhone. That would mean 64GB, so I can bring more than one set of video. If it turns out I don't like something (or just want a change), I can try something else.

It will probably come. Almost certainly before my long flights. But why make me wait?

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