Wednesday, March 25, 2009

They don't make them like they used to...

...or do they?

Movies, that is.

Last night, my wife and I saw a preview of Alien Tresspass, which specifically tries to be a 1950's "B movie".

They succeeded.

It's a cute little movie. It doesn't try to be anything more. I've read that it's supposed to be a spoof of a B movie, it's not. It's an homage, that tries to bring back the matinee popcorn movie.

Personally, I think they did a good job.

The one thing that didn't work for me was the flying saucer in flight. On the ground, the physical saucer was fine. But the CGI of it flying was too good. They needed to use a model so it was as cheap and cheezie (though obviously done on a 2008 budget) as the rest of the production.

*** (out of 4)

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